Tuesday 7 October 2008


I’ve been reading Kingsley Amis’ Collected Poems recently – part of an over-comprehensive spurt of reading seven books by or about him in a row (with more ordered, too). This is, to put it mildly, an odd way to spend time. I’m not even a particular fan of Amis, but there’s something that’s prompted me to read his work in large draughts. Something about my interest in The Movement and a frustrated academic interest in them, perhaps. Some sort of challenge that his plain and populist writing poses (particularly having dosed myself up on Modernists for a long time).

Something about Kingsley Amis being an interesting individual, as well as an interesting writer.But there’s also something refreshing about having these odd pockets of over-thoroughness in your reading, even if the work you’re reading isn’t of itself that striking. It’s a different way of reading that encourages a more comprehensive and generous understanding. It can also give something to quarrel with. And perhaps the quarrels you get drawn to against your better judgement can be revealing in themselves...

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