Wednesday 1 January 2014

Poetry Highlights of 2013

Here are a few of my poetic highlights of 2013:

[On the basis that 'poetry is news that stays news', I have included highlights that weren't new to the world last year, but were new to me. Similarly, the 'poet of the year' is the poet who's made the greatest impression on me this year, rather than necessarily the one with the best new work this year.]

Poetry event of the year: Paul Muldoon at Durham Cathedral
Poet of the year: Jorie Graham
Poetry book of the year: Never by Jorie Graham
New poetry book of the year: West North East by Matt Clegg
Pamphlet of the year: Confusion Species by Suzannah Evans
Anthology of the year: The Footing from Longbarrow Press
Poem of the year: Prayer by Jorie Graham (from Never)
Sequence of the year: Death and the Gallant by Chris Jones (in The Footing)
Special mention: Seamus Heaney (of course)

Some things I'm looking forward to next year:

A new book by Jenny Lewis out from Carcanet (about her father in Mesopotamia during WWII)
Exploring 'other' war poets to complement the 1914 centenary
Two books by Valerie Rouzeau, from Arc that look exceptional at first glance…